Day Two, July 22nd

Do you ever get that feeling that there is loop and you are some how not in it? This was the case on day two. The plan of the day was that the girls would go out and the boys would go out. Okay, sounds good. A more detailed explanation that came later was this: The little girls went out with Busi to get pedicures, the guys all went together to a train museum. That left myself, Shelly--Rob's wife--and Michele--my SIL--to do whatever we chose. We landed on shopping.

We went to Target where I could pick up things such as Pull-ups, Good Nites, and socks for Rich sense his were missed in the wash. Plus a few other items that I needed. We laughed and made jokes. It was particularly easy since I recently took a quiz on FB to determine which Pixar character I am. I am Dory! So true. I really am. Or am I? After shopping we went to lunch. We had Mexican for dinner. I love Mexican food. I rarely have it tho as I have some picky eaters in my midst. Michele treated. It was a nice treat indeed.

After lunch, we returned back to Shelly and Rob's and sat and visited while it was still quiet. It didn't last tho. Soon the boys were home, followed by the girls. They had lovely toes to show and flowers for the grown up ladies. I got two boquets since I have two daughters. How special am I??? I only managed one picture of flowers as my camera was acting strangely. For some reason the trigger mechanism wasn't functioning. I tried new batteries and still nothing. It was very frustrating. Oh well, it wasn't as if I was the only one taking pictures.

Next we went swimming at the community pool. We were the only ones there. It was cool. We had a lot of fun. Ryan chose to stay home with Grandpa. That was fine. Busi took a lot of pictures, and I am waiting for some copies. I was trying not to fret about my camera. I would figure it out. Busi(Marsha) suggested I have Michele look at it since she had knowledge of cameras. It took her a bit, but she finally discovered a feature by the lens that a switch for manual focus and auto focus. The lens I am using is manual, therefore it needs to be set in manual focus mode. After that, it was fine! I managed to get some fun shots of the game we were playing...Blongoball. Ryan would stand about a foot away and make his shot. We would cheer and he would be sooo happy!

At the days end, we were pretty wiped out and we had Sea World on the agenda for the next day. The kids got to go swimming with Busi again, after that it was time for bed!

To Be Continued....


Emmy said…
Love your picture of the flowers! And that really is a vacation part of the day without any kids :)
Carolynn said…
Grown up girl talk with lunch is always a treat!

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