Sometimes I Just Don't
It must be Friday. It must be Friday, because I feel the need to confess. If you need want to confess you can go and visit Mamarazzi....Glamazon that lucky girl is going on vacation.
I confess...
I confess...
- Sometimes I just don't want to be the mom. The go to gal. The answer lady. Sometimes I just want to be left alone in my own little corner.
- Sometimes I just want to go on strike.
- I am not a fan of teenage crisis and angst.
- I am not a fan of petty arguing between siblings
- I left my dishes in the sink last night
- But in my defense I was on the go I would list it out but I would probably get too tired and trail off to sleep.
- I will say when I finally got home and was able to sit. That is all I did. I sat like a lump for the rest of the night.
- I am beyond thrilled that this is the last day of school before Spring break. Is it because I get my kids to myself 24/7? That joy might last a
couple of hoursa day or two. No, it's because there is no homework, there is sleeping in and no morning rush. See. It's all about me. - Even the teachers are ready for Spring break....whooops...that's not my confession.
- Our first week of break proves to be a very busy one.
- First. As in we get more than one.
- They get two weeks and one day. I usually got one week.
- My confession two weeks from now might be totally different about Spring break vs. school.
I hope you enjoy it.
I find dishes make it into an awful lot of confessions....haha
Have a great weekend!
Yeah, I saw Glam was going to the D-Land. Much better weather, I'm sure.
Can't wait to meet up with you!