Bloggers Anonymus
My name is Lourie and I am a Blog-Aholic. I didn't know this about myself until yesterday. I was happily reading blogs. I even managed to comment on a couple. All was right with the world until I noticed something was off. I was not receiving any comments from my post. Well wait, there were two. But then nothing. My anxiety spiked as I thought surely I must have offended someone...all ten of you. Why else would my comments be so lacking? And then I noticed as I tried to comment, blogger told me that it was in "read only" mode. What the what??? And well, you all know what happened. I even set up new blogs. I am not including the links...yet as I am not even sure I will use them yet.'s good to know there are so many choices out there for addicts like me. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend! See you Monday....I hope! What did you do while Blogger was out?