Proud Mommy Moments--It's Screaming Time
I love this Meme as it gives a Mom a chance to boast, or to share some humiliation hoping she is not the only one. Today, I am the latter. So what is it? Well after two weeks of free play, it's hard to get back into the routine of school, class, teachers and work.
On Ryan's first day, I told him to have a good day and go for "blue" for his behavior color. Blue would be "good." He came home telling me he was on yellow. Yellow is only a warning color. I asked him what for. He said, "For spanking butts." At this point, I am a little shocked, but then I realize we do this at home as a form of play. I quickly told him it's not a game for school. It's our game at home. I had to suppress the laughter that was building up. It still makes me laugh.
On Emily's second day, she created a stomach ache. We have been dealing with this for a while now. Well, I put my foot down. She did too, "I will just call you." Nice. I told her I would simply tell her to go back to class like last time. She screamed. Like a two year old. Yeah that was a proud moment. But guess what? She still went to school.
And good for you for putting your foot down. Sorry you are dealing with that still
Tantrumming children is so not fun. Honestly, I cannot deal with it. Time out and Tough luck are things my children hear quite frequently.
Buddy likes to pull the stomach ache issue too, and Buster is starting in on it.
Thanks for linking up!