In today's economy most of us do what it takes to make ends meet. It could be anything from dining out less to cutting out cable. There are other ways to save before doing anything so drastic as cutting your cable. There are coupons, catching a good sale, and the beloved generic brand!
Let's face it, these no names are a money saver! And some stores have really good deals and products. I know Wal-Mart has their generic Ibuprofen and Excedrin for dirt cheap prices and mass quantities. Yeah, I stock up on that stuff. I also choose the no name cereals, and canned goods from my grocery store. They taste good and the prices are hard to beat. Even with coupons, the store brands usually works out to be the better deal.
However, there are exceptions to the deal. For instance, my Diet Coke. I admit it. I am a coke snob. Rich even put me to the test. Guess what? I could totally tell the difference. I want my Diet Coke and nothing else. That makes it rough sometimes. It's expensive. So when it goes on sale, I stock up. It doesn't stop at Diet Coke. I am also a peanut butter snob. This choosy mom chooses JIF. Because my kids like it? No, because I like it! Only one of my kids actually eats it so yeah, I buy the good stuff.
How about...ahem...feminine products? Every woman has her favorite. I tried the comparable brand once. Yeah that was a total waste of money. Dish soap is another one I stand by. Dawn. It's the best. At least to me. I am not overly picky or high maintenance. I just know what works best for me.
What are your must have products?
I always get store brand canned foods, medicines, and dry pasta.
Bongo jeans. They're the only ones that fit my butt right.
And yogurt and when I'm sick it has to be Canada Dry ginger ale and Welch's 100% grape juice.