Road Rage Rant
I have Road Rage. Luckily for those idiot bad other--drivers--which--are--not--us-- of course--I do not really carry a gun. And it is also lucky for them that I am mostly "no action, talk only." Today I will use the written word for my rant on road rage. Because after all, the pen is mightier than the sword. Or in this case, the keys are mightier than the car?
Raise your hand if you have school age kids. Raise your hand if you drive them to school. Raise your hand if you think ninety percent of the parents are idiots careless drivers. How do these people get their license anyway??? Let me set the scene for you.
The school parking lot is small. It was not meant for the capacity of students the school has. It has a little over 500 kids. Which is small compared to their school in VA which had 1100 kids. I digress School CA has a small parking lot, with one way in and one way out. It has two lanes of "traffic" which should be obvious to anyone that the right lane is drop off, and the left is go. I see people nodding their heads. Good, we are all on the same page then.
Yesterday, as I dropped Little Middle aka Emily off at school, I ended up behind the person who obviously was the only other person there. But really what she was, was the one of the many idiot bad drivers I have encountered there. Here comes the Rant. First of all, she was about two car lengths in from the entrance. I will give a little wiggle room for this since it is likely that before I got there, there might have been cars in front of her. However, no one was in front of her when I pulled up behind her. She let's her child out and waits and watches as little girlie skips off to class. It is apparent that the child is kindergarten.'s been four years since I had one of those, and it will be another year and a half before I have the last one go, but let's be real here. She is going to school, not college, or a mission, or serving her country. You can go. Nothing. She sits there. Unmoving. I told my Little Middle that I would just have her get out, but there would be no point since I would still be stuck!
After this lady's child was long out of sight, I figured she would ease into the left side of the traffic, you know the side that is supposed to be moving. Well this lady wasn't moving. At all. I try to be fair. People can be so rude. It's what creates that road rage. I could see the moving side was actually moving, nobody pausing to let her in. But then, there was a space. She sat. Another space. Still she sat. Of course she is in a little pipsqueak car and I am in a minivan and people behind me can't see the little car that won't go. I don't want to get honked at. That makes me so mad. But she was just sitting there. Not doing anything. Not looking for papers. Not talking on the phone. Nothing. I want to clarify here, I do not use my horn unless it is absolutely necessary. It is like shouting to me. It loses its meaning if it is used too much. I honked. Nothing. Really? My blood is raging now. And finally she inches forward...oh did I forget to mention that there were NO CARS IN THE DROP OFF SIDE for at least SIX car lengths. Just sayin. Finally someone let her in. I thanked them, even though they didn't see me do so. They wanted in. I let them. After all they got that dumb lady out of EVERYONES way. Then just as I was about to make my move to the left, someone on the left stopped and dropped their kid off from the moving side! AAAAAACK!
"Hello, Idiot Police? Yeah, I have two for you."
Today's Road Rage Rant, was brought to you buy the letter R, and by the number 2. If you want to play along head on over to Ms. Jenny! She's awesome.
Best wishes,
I am just so ticked by the time I get out of the parking lot.
I try to not let the kids see how ticked off I am...I say "you must always try to be patient when drivers are being stupid!" And then three little voices pipe up "Gramma, you said a bad word! You said stupid!"
Gee, I wonder what they would say if I called these idiots the names I really wanted to call them!
Thanks for a really fun post on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "R"!
I loved seeing you here today!
But it isn't near so bad. This is small town Montana.